Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Advantage & Disadvantage of Having a blog

Kombura Discovery

True indeed!

Pernahkah anda mengalami kekalutan perasaan dan anda mendapati diri anda menconteng-conteng pada kertas? Sama ada anda menconteng atau mencoret-coret pada kertas dengan senyap atau dengan iringan bunyi-bunyian suarah atau luahan perasaan, sedar tidak sedar perbuatan itu merupakan natijah atau manifestasi perasaan yang sedang anda hadapi. Ikuti tulisan Devrine Mylon tentang peranan menulis jurnal/blog...

The Advantage & Disadvantage of  Having a blog

“Research has shown that writing a personal diary and other forms of expressive writing are a great way to release emotional distress and just feel better,” Blogging enables teenagers to share these feelings to a wider audience in an effort to discuss ideas and start a conversation.

Another reason why teenagers create a blog is because they want to create their own identity and share their creativity and also serve as a source of healing, reflection, and inspirations to teenagers. But is blogging really beneficial to us? To further understand that world of blogging, it is important that we determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Blogging
1.     It Helps Improve the Communication and Writing Skills : Creating blogs-improve the writing skills - making them aware of their grammar and comprehension as well as misspelling. Moreover, blogging- help to improve communication skills.
2.     It Helps Promote Better Self-Esteem : overcome social anxiety, self-esteem, and emotional distress .
3.     Money Making : earn money from Google adsense, churp2, Chitika and more.

Disadvantages of Blogging
1.     1 Time Consuming: In order to keep readers interested and maintain or improve the internet traffic that the blog site generates, we need to often update it. But due to various tasks that   we have to do both in school and at home, we may find it hard to have some time to create posts for our blog.
2.     Criticism: be brave and strong enough to face these criticisms due to the content or topics of the blogs so that it will not have a huge impact on our lives.

Blogging is a  fascinating study and a great idea. And it is free and easy to try. Anyone can set up a free blog on Google’s Blogger and it is simple to use. You don’t have to use your own name.  U can be  anonymous. Or Tumblr is very popular now and good for short posts. Blogging is also a great way for teens to hone their writing skills, so there is a secondary benefit to teen blogging. If you already have one, than that’s good. So, for those who has no blog YET, feel free to make one.

Written by
Devrine Mylon
Senior 1

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